Sunday 25 September 2016

Week 9, Term 3 Principal's Hui

Congratulations to Sky.

Sky received her award for making great progress in maths by challenging herself to try new strategies and share her ideas.

Creating bird sculptures

Esme from Pataka came in and worked with our class and a few seniors to create bird sculptures.
We learned to look at a photo of a bird and create a structure drawing using shapes. Then we used newspaper, cardboard and masking tape to create our birds.

One another day, we learned how to make bird sculptures from a template.

Sunday 28 August 2016

Week 5, Term 3, Principal's Hui

 Congratulations to Abigail and Jesse

Abigail received her award for being an enthusiastic learner who always gives things a go and helps others.
Jesse received his award for improvement in his attitude and effort towards writing.

Friday 22 July 2016

Just Play

This term we worked with Noah and Yogi from Just Play.
We learned about being healthy, having fun and we improved our soccer skills.

Whole School karakia Week 7, Term 3

Well done Sheryl, Helen, Atlas and Marino. They were confident leaders at our whole school karakia.

Week 10, Term 2 Principal's Hui

Congratulations to Sheryl-Moana-Maree and Shalom

Sheryl-Moana-Maree received her award for a huge improvement in her attitude towards her learning and making good progress in reading and maths.
Shalom received her award for always completing her learning tasks to the best of her ability and for always sharing her ideas and encouraging others.

Wrap up warm

Thank you to the lovely people who knitted scarves for us. The children loved them!